Professional Testimonials Customer Testimonials
Polarized Light and orange Filter in Children after Burns, Egypt, 2018

| Egypt, 2018 |
A study from a research group of Cairo University investigated the effect of the combination of Bioptron medical polarized polychromatic light and Bioptron`s orange filter on children (aged 3-7 years of age) after a burn to the hands and wrists.
A study from a research group of Cairo University investigated the effect of the combination of Bioptron medical polarized polychromatic light and Bioptron`s orange filter on children (aged 3-7 years of age) after a burn to the hands and wrists. This randomized controlled study investigated 30 children: 15 children with scar standard management (ultrawaves, massage & mobility exercises) and 15 children who were additionally treated for 15 min with BIOPTRON medical polychromatic polarized light, followed by 15 min with the orange filter from BIOPTRON’s color therapy set....
Eye Wound
Professional Testimonial
BIOPTRON Center, Skopia, Macedonia 
“The eye wound was caused during a fall over a hard object, (dining table). The patient aged 10, was treated with BIOPTRON Pro1 for one week, 10 minutes a day, with only the medical filter. After 7 days, there was a visible and substantial reduction in swelling, redness and bruising”. 
Professional Testimonial, Czech Republic
Mrs. Stanislava Bártová, Radiologist, Crisis Radiobiologist and Toxicologist 
‘Even though I am a radiologist and I passed a laser therapy exam, I have never learned at school about BIOPTRON light therapy.
Of course, I knew about the effects and use of light in medicine, but for a long time I had no idea that some light therapy device suitable for home use and patented was available on the market. After my son was born, I borrowed a BIOPTRON device to try it. After several applications, I was amazed to find out that this Swiss miracle was able to wonderfully cure the chronic cold of my son. When he was asleep, I always pointed the light beam onto his nasal root for 2-3 minutes and the result was immediate. To this day, when he is asleep and...